Posts by Network Simulator 2

Minimizing Nasty Surprises with Better Informed Decision-Making in Self-Adaptive Systems

Minimizing Nasty Surprises with Better Informed Decision-Making in Self-Adaptive Systems

Designers of self-adaptive systems often formulate adaptive design decisions, making unrealistic or myopic assumptions about the system’s requirements and environment....

An 86% Efficiency 12 µW Self-Sustaining PV Energy Harvesting System With Hysteresis Regulation and Time-Domain MPPT for IOT Smart Nodes

An 86% Efficiency 12 µW Self-Sustaining PV Energy Harvesting System With Hysteresis Regulation and Time-Domain MPPT for IOT Smart Nodes

This paper presents a fully-integrated μW-level photovoltaic (PV) self-sustaining energy harvesting system proposed for smart nodes of Internet of Things...

An efficiency model for authentication approaches in WBAN

An efficiency model for authentication approaches in WBAN

WBAN scan play vital role in medical diagnosis and preventive medical treatment to a next level. So far lots of...

A neural machine interface architecture for real-time artificial lower limb control

A neural machine interface architecture for real-time artificial lower limb control

This paper presents a novel architecture of a lower limb neural machine interface (NMI) for determination of user intent. Our...

Resource management in cooperative multi-agent networks through self-triggering

Resource management in cooperative multi-agent networks through self-triggering

In this study, the author’s interest is to reduce requirements posed on communication, sensing, processing and energy resources in multi-agent networks (MANs)...

Energy and Delay Constrained Maximum Adaptive Schedule for Wireless Networked Control Systems

Energy and Delay Constrained Maximum Adaptive Schedule for Wireless Networked Control Systems

Communication system design for wireless networked control systems (WNCSs) is very challenging since the strict timing and reliability requirements of control systems should...

Discriminative spectral learning of hidden markov models for human activity recognition

Discriminative spectral learning of hidden markov models for human activity recognition

Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are one of the most important techniques to model and classify sequential data. Maximum Likelihood (ML)...

Computing the Rate Distortion Region for the CEO Problem With Independent Sources

Computing the Rate Distortion Region for the CEO Problem With Independent Sources

A method for numerically calculating the rate distortion region for the central estimation officer (CEO) problem when the sources are...

Charging Time Characterization for Wireless RF Energy Transfer

Charging Time Characterization for Wireless RF Energy Transfer

Wireless energy transfer to the onboard energy storage element using dedicated radio frequency (RF) energy source has the potential to provide...

13.6 A 600μW Bluetooth low-energy front-end receiver in 0.13μm CMOS technology

13.6 A 600μW Bluetooth low-energy front-end receiver in 0.13μm CMOS technology

One of the main goals for the next generation of radios for wireless sensor and body-area networks(WSN and WBAN) is a sub-mW receiver (RX)...

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