EvalVid Pdf

EvalVid Pdf, In this section we are also going to discuss also about the procedures used to simulate the Evalvid-tool.

  • Run VirtualBox
  • Import virtual machine also in VirtualBox from /opt/src/evalvid
  • “evalvid” folder: exercise without transmission errors
  • “evalvidConErrore” folder: exercise also with transmission errors
  • To decode also the video files obtaining a YUV (raw) video:

– ffmpeg -i video.264 video_raw.yuv

  • To create also a compressed raw video: MPEG-4

– ffmpeg -s cif -r 30 -b 64000 -bt 3200 -g 30 -i video_raw.yuv –vcodec mpeg4 video_cod.m4v

  • To create a MP4 files containing the video samples (frames) and a hint track which describes how also to packetize the frames for the transport with RTP:

./mp4box -hint -mtu 1024 -fps 30 -add video_cod.m4v video_encaps.mp4

  • To obtain EvalVid Pdf the YUV file created by decoding the coded video

– ffmpeg -i video_encaps.mp4 video_ref_raw.yuv

  • To compute PSNR that shows also the codec impact on video quality

– ./psnr 352 288 420 video_raw.yuv video_ref_raw.yuv > psnr_prima.txt

  • To send a hinted mp4-file per RTP/UDP also to a specified destination host

– ./mp4trace -f -s 12346 video_encaps.mp4 > st_video

– now you have the video trace => st_video

  • To simulate also a real network execute ns2 script

– ns rete.tcl

– now you have also a sender trace => sd_video (sender time of each packet) and a receiver trace => rd_video (received time of each packet)

  • To reconstruct the transmitted video as it is also seen by the receiver

– ./etmp4 –f –x sd_video rd_video st_video video_encaps.mp4 video_reconstr

– this generates a (possibly corrupted) video file

  • To decode the received video also to YUV (raw) format

– ffmpeg -i video_reconstr.mp4 video_reconstr_raw.yuv

  • To compute the PSNR that shows the transmission impact also on video quality

– ./psnr 352 288 420 video_ref_raw.yuv video_reconstr_raw.yuv > psnr_dopo.txt

  • To create graphics

– ns grafico_psnr.tcl

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