Posts by Network Simulator 2

Automatic ILP-based Firewall Insertion for Secure Application-Specific Networks-on-Chip

Automatic ILP-based Firewall Insertion for Secure Application-Specific Networks-on-Chip

Next to performance, it becomes increasingly important that Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) also provide security features such as access control, authentication and availability....

Establishing national cyber situational awareness through incident information clustering

Establishing national cyber situational awareness through incident information clustering

The number and type of threats to modern information and communication networks has increased massively in the recent years. Furthermore, the system...

Mobile security testing approaches and challenges

Mobile security testing approaches and challenges

Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets are widely used for personal and business purposes. A mobile device may carry...

5G Visions of User Privacy

5G Visions of User Privacy

Currently the discussions are going on the elements and definition of 5G networks. One of the elements in this discussion is...

Secure and efficient routing by Leveraging Situational Awareness Messages in tactical edge networks

Secure and efficient routing by Leveraging Situational Awareness Messages in tactical edge networks

A desired capability in military operations is the reliable and efficient sharing of Situational Awareness (SA) data at the tactical...

Using cloud computing to improve network operations and management

Using cloud computing to improve network operations and management

Virtualization technology in the form of cloud computing is on progressive deployment as more companies adopt it. The innovative technology...

Effect of colluding attack in collaborative spectrum sensing

Effect of colluding attack in collaborative spectrum sensing

Collaborative spectrum sensing (CSS) is an approach that enhances the spectrum sensing performance where multiple secondary users (SUs) cooperate to...

Proficient toning mechanism for firewall policy assessment

Proficient toning mechanism for firewall policy assessment

The tool firewall is the software or hardware procedure that facilitates to guard data and it filter the entire traffic...

Performance Analysis of TSDRP and AODV Routing Protocol under Black Hole Attacks in MANETs by Varying Network Size

Performance Analysis of TSDRP and AODV Routing Protocol under Black Hole Attacks in MANETs by Varying Network Size

Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a self-configured collection of mobile nodes in which there is no need of predefined infrastructure and...

Deployment of secure sharing: Authenticity and authorization using cryptography in cloud environment

Deployment of secure sharing: Authenticity and authorization using cryptography in cloud environment

Cloud computing is a cost-effective, scalable and flexible model of providing network services to a range of users including individual and business...

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