WASN Thesis

     WASN Thesis is undergo by candidates of M.Phil and Ph.D in their own interested area related to academy. It is a type of network that can work on the basis of single–actor task assignment and multi–actor task assignment.  Task is assign to perform a particular sensing activity in the network environment. One type of network architecture is design and a specific process is focus in WASN. On identifying a solution for the define problem in WASN network, follow by implementation process. Implementation of the designed concept can work on any available networking software.

Some of the implementation tools are list below,

  • Unetsim
  • Network Simulator 2
  • Network Simulator 3
  • OMNeT++
  • Cooja simulator
  • Omnest
  • Netsim

      Obtaining original results is challenging which is achieve by our technically expertise developing team. Research in particular area is a process that expects towards the future advancements by utilizing prior techniques or innovative techniques to show the scientific research outcome in the absence of predetermined results. Latest technologies and advancements are studied by our developing team to support implementation of project on those technologies.  We create your ideas into a masterpiece of your academy.

  Hereby we summarize few titles under WASN Thesis,

  • A new process of Decoupling Network Design also for Energy for Energy Inner Current Loops of Stand-Alone Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generation Power System [WASN-Thesis]
  • A new source mechanism for Indoor Positioning Algorithm also Based on Nonlinear PLS Integrated With RVM
  • An effective Framework performance to Smart Building Design Automation: Extensible CAD also for Indoor Localization Systems Deployment method
  • A construction for Attack-Resilient Industrial Control Systems: Attack Detection and Controller Reconfiguration system
  • An effective usage for Event-triggered MPC design intended for distributed systems by network communications
  • An innovative methodology for reliability of WSN also based on software defined network into adaptive industrial environment
  • A creative performance process based on Wireless Communication and Security Issues intended also for Cyber–Physical Systems and the Internet-of-Things
  • An innovative function also for Secret Key Establishment by means of RSS Trajectory Matching between Wearable Devices
  • An effective performance also for Cooperative Robots based on an Observe Moving Targets
  • A competent performance for Machine Health Monitoring also by Local Feature-Based on Gated Recurrent Unit Networks system
  • The modern function of Improved Circuit Design of Analog Joint Source Channel Coding for Low-Power and also Low-Complexity Wireless Sensors
  • An imaginative function of Robust Distributed Fusion also by means of Labeled Random Finite Sets [WASN-Thesis]
  • An inventive process of Event-Aware Backpressure Scheduling Scheme also for Emergency Internet of Things
  • The new mechanism also based on Performance Analysis of Multi-Motion Sensor Behavior for Active Smartphone Authentication
  • The novel-technology also for Secure Mobile Crowdsensing Game with Deep Reinforcement Learning

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