Using cloud computing to improve network operations and management

Virtualization technology in the form of cloud computing is on progressive deployment as more companies adopt it. The innovative technology and its adoption, however, have something in common: reducing challenges associated with managing the operations of conventional in-house systems in firms. This is because, in the conventional form of computing, companies require dedicated IT resources to manage all systems (Networks, Hardware, Software, and IT Services). However, with cloud networking, the cloud network provider thereby offloading internal IT workers to focus on other useful IT functions handles the work of network operations and management.

The benefits of using cloud networking cannot be overstated. They include improved security, productivity, scalability, mobility, cost management, and system updating among others. The cloud administrators ensure that the management of fault, accounting, performance, security and configuration are handled for all cloud clients, which allows companies work without worrying about them anymore. The proposed hybrid cloud model ensures maximum benefits from virtualization, fault tolerance, and cost reduction. The model promotes realtime and anywhere access to applications in the cloud with improved performance and reduced overhead costs on scheduling.

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