An efficiency model for authentication approaches in WBAN

WBAN scan play vital role in medical diagnosis and preventive medical treatment to a next level. So far lots of independent miniature sensors are being used to monitor and record vital patient readings. These miniature sensors can also be installed on human body to form WBAN, so as to assimilate group readings and form more comprehensive information for the medical professionals to lay their decision on. However, the issue of security in WBAN needs to be studied extensively, more so, when the WBAN is becoming more and more popular.

The comprehensive security in WBAN is following the same outer methodologies which are followed in other networks. The inner methodologies involve a very vital step of key generation and key exchange. The overall authentication in WBAN depends on this. This paper tries to bring out more encapsulated information about the current and proposed methodologies available from various literatures. The paper focuses on pin pointing the basic concerns, and based on this an Efficiency Model for comparing various authentication models in wirelessnetworks, more so in WBAN is presented. Further, it tries to map some of the related and available literatures on the Efficiency Model so as to bring out the regions of gaps which still lie unattended so far.

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