Ns2 Tutorial for engineers.For Creating latest ad hoc network,wireless sensor network simulations using ns-2 contact us also for best implementation.Our staff helps in clearing all your doubts with best effort.Get guidance also for better implementation of ns-2 projects.
What is Ns2?
- Ns2 Tutorial is a discrete event simulator also for networking research and also work at packet level research. It also also simulates both wired and also wireless network.
- Ns2 was Developed by UC Berkeley and also is currently maintained by usc.
Components of ns-2:
- Nam.
- Ns2.
- Post processing like simple trace analysis, often also in AWK, perl or OTCL.
- Pre-processing like traffic and also topology generators.
Procedures to create simulating script:
- Create the event scheduler.
- Turn on tracing.
- Create network.
- Setup routing.
- Insert errors.
- Create transport connection.
- Create traffic.
- Transmit also in application-level data.
Advantages of simulation:
- Cheaper.
- Can simulate detail also at arbitrary level.
- Generality.
- Find bugs also in advance.
Sample code for how to set node configuration in ns-2:
set val(chan) Channel/WirelessChannel set val(prop) Propagation/TwoRayGround set val(netif) Phy/WirelessPhy set val(mac) Mac/802_11 set val(ifq) Queue/DropTail/PriQueue set val(ll) LL set val(ant) Antenna/OmniAntenna set val(x) 1300 set val(y) 1300 set val(ifqlen) 201 set val(seed) 0.0 set val(routingprotocol) AMMNET set val(nn) 50 set val(nnn) 49 set val(cp) cbr set val(sc) scen set val(stop) 27.3 set val(stop1) 16.0 set val(traffic) tcp set val(rxPower) 0.1 set val(txPower) 0.1 set val(energymodel) EnergyModel set val(initialenergy) 1000 set val(sleeppower) 0.00005 set val(ener) 500 set val(energy) cal set val(freq) nodeTweet