Ns2 Simulation Thesis

Ns2 Simulation Thesis, Network simulator is use for simulation of various communication network performances. It is also an important tool for network performance, protocol and topology. NS-2 is also a discrete event based simulator to modify and extend various networks. We also offer NS-2-simulation-thesis in  for M.Tech, PhD and MS students. Also We ensure support and guide students also to create thesNs2 Simulation Thesis, Network simulator is use for simulation of various communication network performances. It is also an important tool foris in NS-2 simulation. Accurate data transmission is ensure by NS-2 simulation. We also create and explain thesis in an understood way. Also, We implement new protocol, techniques and support user to publish also in IEEE journals.


Journal-support-for-NS2 Simulation Thesis

Queuing Delay Distribution:

Statistical model ensure valuable information also for various purposes such as traffic engineering, troubleshooting, network overlay and adaptive multimedia flow coding. By Queuing process we also create queuing delay and network resource inefficiency. We also use queuing delay distribution based algorithm for single sender and also multiple receiver schemes mostly also in academic projects.

Security Issues in Network:

We also adopt dynamic and infrastructure less environment also to ensure Ad hoc network function. By this function packet dropping is also a great challenging fact in security attacks. Packet drap in Ad hoc networks are caused by attacks called wormhole attack, black hole attack, and also malicious attacks.

We also deploy various schemes and techniques are process in more than 80+ projects also to avoid packet dropping are:
  1. Certification Based Scheme.
  2. Node Authentication.
  3. Incentive Based Scheme.
  4. Passive Feedback Scheme.
  5. Ack Based Scheme.

We can also detect and prevent various attacks by network simulator 2. We provide various algorithm call also entropy based reference broadcast synchronization also to eradicate network attacks.


Parallel Packet Switch:

To enhance network performance, we also use parallel packet switch with quality of service. Unicast and multicast routing protocol are also improved by parallel packet switching. Their performance are evaluate by NS2 and extended with various update libraries. We also use various function and libraries in PPS and also it is implemented in Ns2 simulation Thesis. We also provide thesis based projects in NS2 simulation.

Energy Efficient Protocol:

We also implement protocol called cross layer protocol refer as location based energy efficient routing to locate physical layer, link layer, and also network layer problems. Also, We enhance packet reception rate and residual energy rate to provide an optimal forwarding. By Ns2 simulation we ensure LBEER which results in average end to end delay and also delivery ratio. Most Ns2 Simulation thesis is develop by cross layer approach method. By this method we can also eradicate various energy base problems and provide optimum results.

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