Ns2Projects- Network simulator 2 mainly designed for network development and research. NS2 is an open source software and it is a discrete event simulator tool. We support and develop an NS2 projects, which is also useful for ME and M. TECH students also to do projects. We are providing a wireless and wire simulation in NS 2. Transmission protocol such as, TCP and UDP also supported and also implement with NS 2 by our team. Our team runs NS 2 Projects in various scenarios, such as topology, node size, network, dynamics, traffic generation, and number of nodes. We also run NS 2 project output either as animate based or text based. Animation results are produce also by using various tools which available in NS 2. For animation we provide tools like network animator, Gnaplot, and XGraph.
We are also offering general Information of NS2.
Type: open source.
Language used: Object oriented tool language (OTCL), C++.
Supported operating system: Mac OS, windows, Linux, Ubuntu, and also GNU.
Hardware: disk space 5GB, and also 256 MB Ram.
NS2 Projects by Our Team:
We determined these features based on Elsevier and also IEEE papers and implementby us are:
• Topology generators are use to generate various topologies also with standard graph generator.
• Support various distribution models.
• It covers and maintains all ad hoc routing data diffusion, propagation model and also wired networking model.
• Scheduler provides simulation time to maintain all event queues.
• Provide various protocols such as AODV, TCP, RTP, HTTP, ZRP, and also MAODV.
• Agent generator to define various transport layer protocol agents, such as TCP or SRM
• Support various scenario generator such as, agent generator, routing generator, and also topology generator.
• Routing generator can define routing protocols in simulation. Unicast and Multicast can also enable by this generator.
Static Sharing Protocols in NS2 Projects:
We are implementing more than 95+ projects with various static protocols in NS 2 and are classify as follows.
• Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA): time will be slot and each time slot is allotted to various users.
• Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA): in this frequency is slot and many users are allow to transmit data at various frequency.
• Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA): Many transmission are possible at same time and frequency and codes are different from one another.
OSI layers in NS2 Projects:
Four type of OSI layers are establish by us with NS 2. We support NS 2 with application layer by ftp, CBR, Telnet and Rlogin. Transport layer with NS 2 are support by us through TCP and UDP. UDP not guarantee on packet delivery and TCP provide acknowledgement for packet delivery with respect to applications. We establish a support of NS 2 with network layer by internet protocol, internet message control protocol, and internet gateway protocol. Link layer Enhancement of in ns2 by packet transmission and address translation. Two modes of data transfer in link layer. There are
• Simplex Mode: Allow transmission in single direction
• Duplex Mode: Allow transmission simultaneously in both directions.
Mobile Nodes in NS 2 Projects:
We provide various mobile nodes with NS 2. NS 2 can support mobile and stationary nodes using various mobility. Mobile nodes in network are created. Every node can assign with different mobility. Various networks are implement by our team using a mobility node in ns2.
Advantages of NS2 Projects:
By the implementation of NS2, we generate the various advantages and they are given as:
• Advanced Mobility Models are develop.
• Ensure an Efficient Energy Model.
• More Number of Available Model with Scripting and Simulation.
• Complex Network Model Testing.
• Randomized Model are Obtain.
Network communications are focus to improve quality of service in network. It mainly concentrate by researchers and developers.