M Tech Projects in Ns2

M Tech Projects in Ns2, An discrete event network simulator known as network simulator 2. We offer to simulate and model various network design behavior. offer NS2 projects for M.TECH which deals with final year projects of M.TECH students under network domain. We provide various network projects with NS2 simulation. We ensure NS2 a flexible and visual classified output for network environment. Also, We describe projects in NS2 with wired and wireless network communication model. We guide M.TECH students to do projects in simulation behavior with wired and wireless network. NS2 simulation with various algorithms for security message authentication and hybrid routing in different network.

Sensor and actuator network:

We provide wireless sensor network which require efficient coordination mechanism to ensure reliable actions. Also, We propose two level hierarchical k- hop clustering algorithm with wireless sensor, actuator network energy and delay aware mechanism. We compute optimal number of actor based on network area and number of sensors. In first level sensor form k hop cluster by placing actor node as cluster. Second level, sink node ensure responsible of cluster head and form cluster using actors. In this algorithm, QOS parameter such as delay, energy and packet delivery ration are analyzed by NS2 simulation.


Message authentication:

An important factor called message authentication for secure data access in network. We implement vehicular network composed of various roadside unit. Also, We introduce message authentication in vanet by distributed key management framework based on group structure. We use this key to analyze malicious vehicle relocation, system maintenance and heterogeneous security policies. In this algorithm we also road side unit which act as key distributor and security protocols to detect compromised Rsus and malicious vehicles we developed various NS2 simulation projects from science direct papers to model medium access control with distributed key management.

Hybrid routing:

We implement hybrid routing protocol created by combining two or more routing protocols. Also, We ensure hybrid routing protocol with scalable routing in large scale network. We also provide off network control processing (ONCP) a hybrid routing protocol which achieve control scalability in large sensor network. By ONCP, we perform flat and also hierarchical sensor routing architecture. We also process shifting operation

ONCP for an amount of routing functions with network server. We also establish hybrid routing approach composed of global routing and distributed local routing with high scalability. Also, We provide distributed routing approach with wide control message dissemination.

RMMAC protocol:

We also develop RMMAC protocol called relay multirate medium access protocol. This protocol is also a category of MAC layer protocol applied with IEEE 802.11 constant bit rate. RMMAC is also an integration of MASA and modified based auto rate (RBAR). It also referred as a two dimensional markov model to establish MAC layer with various network model.

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